Christmas Open Evening, Dec 4th.

Thursday December 4th is the annual Christmas Open Evening of the Coldharbour Road Artisan Free Traders. Rainmaker Gallery along with most of our lovely neighbours will be open until 8pm for Christmas shopping and festive fun. You can find out about all the special things on offer by following our local twitter feed @coldharbourroad.
Live Pendleton Body Painting
At Rainmaker we will be hosting a live body painting event by local make-up and body artist Claudia Lucia Spoto. Claudia will paint the torso of a brave model, against a backdrop of one of our magnificent Pendleton blankets. Come along, partake of some festive fare and watch as Claudia makes the model disappear into the colourful, woven design.
There will also be 10% discount on jewellery purchases for the evening, so don’t forget to call in next Thursday between 6 and 8pm.
Salon Style Gallery Wall
In the abundant spirit of the festive season we have dispensed with our orderly gallery hanging and gone for a full-on salon style gallery wall. Featuring thirty four works of art from twelve Native artists hung floor to ceiling. This glorious display of colour was curated by our talented in-house photographer Georgia. Be sure to drop in and feast your eyes.
Free Christmas Delivery
From now until Christmas all website orders totalling £100 or more will be sent by Special Delivery free of charge. I am busily adding more of Georgia’s gorgeous jewellery photographs to the website, so if you don’t see what you need today check back tomorrow and the days after….or contact me directly and tell me what you are looking for.
Rainmaker will be open six days a week including Mondays leading up to Christmas.
Happy Christmas shopping!