Zuni Rock Art & New Jewellery

Zuni Rock Art
One of the things we specialise in here at RAINMAKER is an artform known as Zuni Fetish carvings. The Zuni People have used fetishes for over a thousand years. These ritual objects are traditionally believed to assist in healing, hunting, fertility and protection. Today many Zunis make their living carving fetishes that are also exquisite works of art in their own right.
On my recent buying trip I acquired some exceptional sculptures from the expert carvers at Zuni. These magical animals are the focus of or latest show ZUNI ROCK ART. If you would like to learn more about the significance of fetishes and see some wonderful examples call into the gallery between September 16th and October 10th.

September is the perfect time to compile your jewellery wishlist. We now have a wider selection of unique pieces than at any other time of year, with new ranges from Myron Panteah, Duran Gasper, Warren Nieto, Kayleen Chavez, Beatrice Aguilar, Dana Chavez, Eldred Pacheco, Harvey and Janie Chavez and Albanita Yunie. Our resident photographer Georgia is busily shooting all the gorgeous new items for the website so keep checking in to see what’s new.